370 West Dundee, Wheeling 60090
Illinois 60090, USA
Mon - Sat 9am - 6pm
370 west Dundee, wheeling 60090
Illinois 60090, USA
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00
370 west Dundee, wheeling 60090 Illinois 60090, USA

Affordable Housing

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Wheeling Arbor Court apartments wants incentive for $1.1 million project
  • Posted by: neder
  • Category: Affordable Housing, House Renovation

Maintenance or a major facelift? Wheeling Trustee Bill Hein says a nearly $1.1 million project at Arbor Court apartments falls into the second category. Hein supports the village awarding tax increment financing to reimburse the property owner for some of the renovations. Hundreds of residents live in the 13 apartment buildings in the complex along…

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